So, continuing with my bit on healthy choices in beverages, I decided to take a look at energy drinks.
Now, I'll start off by saying this:
Energy drinks are not good for you. Period.
With that said, and as I look over at the energy drink sitting on my desk, I realize that we all know that. And, we all keep drinking them.
Today I'd like to take a look at the lesser of the evils out there when it comes to these drinks, and how to make healthier choices while staring at that wall of energy drinks in front of you.
If you are a Red Bull fan:
They do make a Sugar Free version that is, well, sugar free. The problem that I see with that is that they just substitute chemical sweeteners such as aspartame, a chemical that has been linked to several health issues, including brain tumors and lymphoma.
If you like the coffee version of the energy drinks:
Monster offers a low cal version of their extensive coffee line called "Lo Ball". It also has half of the caffeine of the regular versions, as well as fewer carbs. (this is my personal choice when I reach for an energy drink. Remember, I don't endorse drinking any energy drinks, but I fall prey to them from time to time.)
Rock Star has a "better for you" version vanilla coffee drink, called Roasted Light Vanilla. It has half the fat and calories of the regular Roasted.
Some healthier options:
SoBe makes a line of energy drinks called "Essential Energy". They are a much better choice since they use more natural ingredients combined with fruit juices. Just watch the sugar content in some of them.
There is also a product out there made by Eniva called "Vibe 2.0" that I have heard great things about. I haven't personally tried it, but the company claims that their drink uses vitamins and supplements to give you a healthier energy boost.
So, there you go. with all of the options out there... you may actually have a chance to make a healthier choice from that evil wall of well marketed energy pushers.
Watch this video about energy drinks:
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