It’s been a long while (again) since I’ve blogged…
insert a lame excuse here.
With that out of the way, I want to take a look at some ways at bettering your life, while doing the same for someone else. I recently joined a group called Soldiers’ Angels. This is a group of people all around the country that “Adopt” soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen deployed overseas in combat situations. They send weekly letters, in addition to care packages. The packages are simple: letter writing gear, laundry soap, hygiene gear, and so on. These letters and packages make a huge difference to those deployed. For example, here’s a letter from one of the soldiers deployed in Afghanistan:
A couple of weeks ago, I was at [a combat outpost] in [am Afghanistan Province]. Those Soldiers have been there for seven months and live in the most dire conditions. They do not have running water, fresh vegetables are rare, their gym is home-made and triples up as a sleeping area and dining hall. An old roommate of mine had not showered for 2.5 months when I saw him. The only bit of luxury at that COP has the Soldiers' Angels logo on it. The care packages you send are the only deviation from the Meals-Ready-to-Eat and one hot meal a day they get... and everyone there was so appreciative of it. All the care packages your team sends to us are forwarded to the field for my guys. Even if you may not hear back, please know you are making their day go by that much easier. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything.
Very simple acts of kindness make a huge difference to these soldiers, and to the people providing the help. I’ve mentioned may ways of helping servicemen and women after they return, but this is a way that you can help them while deployed. Check out Soldiers’ Angels, it’ll be worth the visit!
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